[Nek5000-users] Cylindrical mesh

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Thu Sep 15 04:45:41 CDT 2011

Hi Nek's,

I've just started to look at the cylindrical meshing capabilities of genbox,
and I have one question regarding the boundary conditions. Here is the
exemple in Nek Primer just for recall:

2                   spatial dimension
1                   number of fields
Y                   cYlinder
3  -24  1         nelr,nel_theta,nelz
.5  .3              x0,y0 - center of cylinder
ccbb              descriptors
.5 .55 .7 .8     r0 r1 .... r_nelr
0  1  1
v  ,W  ,E  ,E  ,

I am not sure though I correctly understood where are applied the boundary
conditions. Indeed we now have five "physical" boundaries (the four edges of
the box + the cylinder itself), however we specified only four conditions.


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