[Nek5000-users] Scalar Derivatives / Scalar Dissipation

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Fri Apr 15 10:39:19 CDT 2011

Hi Alex,

I'm assuming your call is in userchk?

There are several items of which you should be aware (mostly related
to parallel processing, since the code fragment is typically
being executed on multiple processors).

First - you should use t(....,2) as the argument to gradm1, if 
you want dissipation of PS1.  (I'm assuming that you're also
tracking temperature -- otherwise you can store your passive
scalar in the temperature array.  The data layout is as follows:

         variable       pointer
       temperature:    t(1,1,1,1,1)
       pass. scal 1:   t(1,1,1,1,2)
       pass. scal 2:   t(1,1,1,1,3)

You should make certain that ldimt in SIZE is large enough
to support the desired number of passive scalars.

Assuming you want to compute dissipation rate for passive
scalar 1, I would modify your code to read:

       call gradm1(dc1dx, dc1dy, dc1dz, t(1,1,1,1,2) )

       n = nx1*ny1*nz1*nelv
       scalar_diss = ( glsc3(dc1dx,bm1,dc1dx,n)
      $              + glsc3(dc1dy,bm1,dc1dy,n)
      $              + glsc3(dc1dz,bm1,dc1dz,n) ) /volvm1

       if (nid.eq.0) write(6,1) istep,time,scalar_diss
     1 format(i9,1p2e14.6,' scalar diss')

OK --- What does this do?

The first part is as you had it, save that you take the
gradient of t(....,2), which is where PS1 resides.

The second part computes the weighted inner product,
with each term having the form:

      (u,u) = u^T B u / volume

where volume := 1^T B 1, with "1" the vector of all 1s,
and B being the diagonal mass matrix.

In general, in nek, one has

      | f g dV = glsc3(f,bm1,g,n)  ,

assuming that f() and g() are arrays living on mesh 1.  The
array bm1() is the mass matrix B, on mesh 1 (the velocity/
temperature mesh - but not the pressure mesh, which is 
mesh 2).

The function glsc3(a,b,c,n) takes the triple inner product:

     glsc3 = sum_i a_i b_i c_i , i=1,...,n

Note that glsc3 works both in serial and parallel --- the
sum is taken across all processors so that you get the 
correct result on all processors.  If for some reason you
desire a local (to a processor) inner product, you would
use vlsc3(a,b,c,n) instead of glsc3, which stands for
global scalar product, 3 arguments.  We also have glsum,
glsc2, glmax, glmin, etc. and of course their local
counterparts vlsum, etc.

Finally, the third change is to ensure that only node 0
writes the result, and not all of the mpi ranks.  Otherwise
you have P copies of the results written when running on P

Hope this helps.


On Fri, 15 Apr 2011, nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov wrote:

> Hi Neks,
> I would like to investigate the mixing of passive scalars in turbulent flows.
> Therefore, I tried to write a function to compute the scalar dissipation
> rate. I found someone on the list who did it for temperature and pressure so
> I tried the same way. Unfortunately, my gradients seem to be zero all the
> time. The code i wrote looks like:
>      include 'SIZE'
>      include 'TOTAL'
>      include 'ZPER'
>      include 'NEKUSE'
>      common /scalar/ dc1dx(lx1*ly1,lz1*lelt)
>     &             ,  dc1dy(lx1*ly1,lz1*lelt)
>     &             ,  dc1dz(lx1*ly1,lz1*lelt)
>      real scalar_diss
>      scalar_diss = 0.0
>      call gradm1(dc1dx, dc1dy, dc1dz, ps(1))
>        do i=1,lx1*ly1
>          do j=1,lz1*lelt
>              scalar_diss = scalar_diss + (dc1dx(i, j)**2)*2
>              scalar_diss = scalar_diss + (dc1dy(i, j)**2)*2
>              scalar_diss = scalar_diss + (dc1dz(i, j)**2)*2
>           enddo
>        enddo
>        write(6,*) scalar_diss
> I looks pretty much the same like in
> https://lists.mcs.anl.gov/mailman/htdig/nek5000-users/2010-November/001106.html.
> The fields have all the same size (lx1=lx2=lx3 and so on).  My testcase is a
> small rectangular grid initialized with the passive scalar set to one in the
> lower half and zero in the upper half. Thus, I would expect some value about
> 2*number of points.

> I hope you can help me. I'm struggling with this for some time now, but could
> not find my mistake. Maybe it is just my lack of experience with Fortran.
> Thank you
> Alex

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