[Nek5000-users] Smooth Restart feature in Nek

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Tue Sep 28 10:21:59 CDT 2010

Hi Nek's  :-) ,

Francesco, I also encounter this problem and I was on the edge of 
writing such an email when the mail-list forwarded yours. I work on 
stenotic flows (non-linear evolution of infinitesimal perturbations), 
and because of the long-time dynamics we wanna observe, restarting the 
simulations from previous time steps is not an option.

I set various probes within the flow to plot the velocity. Just like 
you, I have no problem so far: the velocity restarts smoothly. However, 
I compute the total energy in usrchk as being the square of the L2-norm 
and I indeed also get a jump at the restart timestep when plotting this 

Help (or at least a few hints on how to solve this) would be highly 
Sincerely yours,


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