[Nek5000-users] Extrude an axisymmetric flow onto a fully thee-dimensional mesh

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Wed Oct 13 07:23:37 CDT 2010

Hi JC,

You _might_ be able to make it work by using the
grid-to-grid intrepolation described here:


As I think about it, what you would need to do is something like

new (3D) geometry - .usr file:

       subroutine userchk


       do i=1,n
          x=xm1(i,1,1,1)  ! assume x is the axis and y-z is in cross-plane
          rr = y*y+z*z
          if (rr.gt.0) rr=sqrt(rr)
          ym1(i,1,1,1) = rr
          zm1(i,1,1,1) = 0
       call outpost(vx,vy,vz,pr,t,'g2d')
       call exitt

This would write a file with x,y in the meridional plane.
Interpolate your old solution onto these points.  Not certain
if g2g can handle reading a 3D field file in a 2D case -- probably
not.   In that case, we just use the interpolator and generate
our own file i/o handler.

I have some things sitting around but they are a bit out of step
with the current interpolation interface.


On Wed, 13 Oct 2010, nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov wrote:

> Hi Nek's  :-) ,
> I have computed an axisymmetric flow using the IFAXIS option in Nek. I would 
> like now to extrude / reconstruct it onto a fully three-dimensional mesh to 
> perform another calculation using it as a base flow.
> Is there any routine already existing enabling me to do so? If not, a few 
> hints on how I should do it would be highly appreciated :-)
> Best regards,
> JC
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