[Nek5000-users] Code output

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Wed Mar 3 05:46:03 CST 2010


     I'm trying to solve for a lid driven cavity flow (in 2D for now) 
using NEK5000. The viscosity has been set to one and the lid is moving 
with a velocity of 10000. I don't understand the meaning of the numbers 
given in the code output. For ex:

Step 499268, t= 6.8040858E-02, DT= 1.2825985E-07, C=  0.409 5.9000E+04 
              Solving for fluid
      499268    Hmholtz VELX:      9   2.9714E-11   1.3717E+07   3.0000E-10
      499268    Hmholtz VELY:      9   1.3165E-11   1.1815E+07   3.0000E-10
     499268 U-Press std. :     91   2.9185E-08   3.0000E-08   
2.6864E-03   8.4799E-02
       499268  DNORM, DIVEX  2.918545176353094E-008  2.918487500510926E-008
      499268   6.8041E-02  9.2034E-02 Fluid done
Step 499269, t= 6.8040986E-02, DT= 1.2825985E-07, C=  0.409 5.9000E+04 
              Solving for fluid
      499269    Hmholtz VELX:      9   2.9708E-11   1.3713E+07   3.0000E-10
      499269    Hmholtz VELY:      9   1.3158E-11   1.1809E+07   3.0000E-10
     499269 U-Press std. :     91   2.9192E-08   3.0000E-08   
2.6781E-03   8.6898E-02
       499269  DNORM, DIVEX  2.919249585636570E-008  2.919235717748844E-008
      499269   6.8041E-02  9.4083E-02 Fluid done
Step 499270, t= 6.8041114E-02, DT= 1.2825985E-07, C=  0.409 5.9000E+04 
              Solving for fluid
      499270    Hmholtz VELX:      9   2.9703E-11   1.3708E+07   3.0000E-10
      499270    Hmholtz VELY:      9   1.3151E-11   1.1802E+07   3.0000E-10
     499270 U-Press std. :     91   2.9200E-08   3.0000E-08   
2.6698E-03   8.3875E-02
       499270  DNORM, DIVEX  2.919940124964188E-008  2.920027044061877E-008
      499270   6.8041E-02  9.1076E-02 Fluid done

It would be great if someone could explain what the numbers mean. I'm 
worried about the numbers in the second column being of the order of 
1E+07. Is that a problem? Also while specifying the boundary conditions, 
how can one specify user set boundary conditions for more than one 
boundary using userbc? Is there a parameter which one could check to see 
if the grid resolution if enough for the case there is being run or 
should we resort to checking for grid independence?

The rea, map and usr files are attached.

Thanking you,
Mani chandra

P.S I'd really like to thank the developers for releasing this software 
for free and for documenting it so as to spread it's usage.
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