[mpich2-dev] regarding checkpointing using BLCR in MPICH2

Hao Yang hao.yang0614 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 12 14:28:45 CST 2011

Hi, all:

I found checkpoint failure when I use MPICH with BLCR in my  machine.

We tried inserting MPI_Iprobe in the program, but the second checkpoint
still failed.

Alternatively, we try to set MPI_ASYNC_PROGRESS to enable a MPI progress
thread which may help processes execute checkpoint algorithm. We first use
--enable-async-progress when we build MPICH and then run "mpiexec -env
MPICH_ASYNC_PROGRESS 1 -n 5 ./mpitest". But we met an error "Assertion
failed in file async.c at line 52: !mpi_errno. internal ABORT - process 0".

Does anyone know how to fix this? Thank you.
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