[mpich2-dev] followup, smpd + mpiexec_rsh.c

Jeffrey Frey frey at UDel.Edu
Tue Jan 13 13:50:33 CST 2009

Another bug with smpd and mpiexec_rsh startup:  the working directory  
is never passed to the rsh invocations.  E.g. I run the job from / 
home/frey/mpitest and have the program attempting to open "test.in"  
and it fails since the "rsh" puts me in /home/frey.  So relative  
paths will never work with mpiexec_rsh startup.

   Jeffrey T. Frey, Ph.D.
   Systems Programmer IV / Cluster Management
   Network & Systems Services / College of Engineering
   University of Delaware, Newark DE  19716
   Office: (302) 831-6034  Mobile: (302) 419-4976

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