[mpich2-dev] [PATCH 1/1] Fix uses of MPI_Aint in mpich2 tests

Jeff Parker jjparker at us.ibm.com
Thu Mar 20 12:14:06 CDT 2008

Responding to Bill Gropp's concern about making MPI_Aint larger than void 
* may impact the user... 

>>> On Mar 19, 2008, at 4:44 PM, William Gropp wrote:
>>> Hmm, this raises a concern about how making MPI_Aint larger than void 
>>> might impact the user, since users will expect these to be the same.
>>> The use of MPI_Aint was needed to suppress error messages from 
>>> compilers that don't like to see casts that truncate (as an (int) 
would here).
>>> How feasible is it to use an internal type (e.g., MPIR_Size_t) instead 
>>> MPI_Aint for the datatype/file code, and leave MPI_Aint as the 
>>> sizeof void *?  Some of the datatype routines won't be able to return 
>>> but that's already true for MPI_Type_size.  
>>> Will that be adequate for the file operations?
>>> Bill

It may help to see how we arrived at this "MPI_Aint solution" to go with 
an 8-byte MPI_Aint on our 4-byte-pointer BG/P system.  See the detail 
To answer your specific question, we know that MPI_Type_get_extent() is 
used, and it must be fixed to return a >2GB extent.  This requires that 
MPI_Aint be 8 bytes on a system having 4-byte pointers (BG/P).

ROMIO testcases were failing as the number of nodes was scaled up.  Debug 
showed it was due to file sizes increasing beyond 2GB, causing overflows 
in variables declared as "int", "MPI_Aint", and derivatives such as 

The MPICH2 development team was working on solutions, documented them in 
the attached document #1, sent a tarball of new ROMIO datatype routines, 
and requested that IBM complete the work.  Two solutions were outlined in 
document #1:  1) Internally change ROMIO to support large files on 32-bit 
platforms.  2) Change MPI_Aint to be 8-bytes.

IBM initially agreed that solution 2, changing MPI_Aint, was not a good 
option.  See attached document #2.

Then, after examining solution 1, IBM posted concerns about its scope and 
completeness.  See attached document #3.

Finally, on 02/07/2008, the MPICH2 development team agreed that the best 
solution was Solution 2 - change MPI_Aint to be 8 bytes.  See attached 
document #4.  Since then, IBM has been steadily progressing on this 

Bill, your proposal to use an internal type instead of MPI_Aint is similar 
to solution 1 and does not solve the concern raised in document #3.

Neither solution is without issues.  We just decided that the MPI_Aint 
solution was the most complete solution and went with it.

We are still entertaining the idea of shipping two MPICH2 libraries on 
BG/P:  a 4-byte MPI_Aint version and an 8-byte MPI_Aint version.  Those 
needing large file support in ROMIO must use the 8-byte MPI_Aint version. 
Other applications and continue to use the 4-byte MPI_Aint version.  This 
may solve the issue you raised.


#1 - Solutions documented by the MPICH2 development team on 01/21/2008:

#2 - IBM's initial response to the Solution 2 - changing MPI_Aint to be 8 
bytes 01/25/2008, with MPICH2 development team's response 01/28/2008:

#3 - IBM's concerns about the completeness of Solution 1 02/01/2008:

#4 - Decision to go with Solution 2 - the MPI_Aint solution 02/07/2008:

Jeff Parker
IBM Blue Gene Messaging

William Gropp <gropp at mcs.anl.gov> 
Sent by: owner-mpich2-dev at mcs.anl.gov
03/19/2008 04:44 PM
Please respond to
mpich2-dev at mcs.anl.gov

mpich2-dev at mcs.anl.gov

Re: [mpich2-dev] [PATCH 1/1] Fix uses of MPI_Aint in mpich2 tests

Hmm, this raises a concern about how making MPI_Aint larger than void * 
might impact the user, since users will expect these to be the same.  

The use of MPI_Aint was needed to suppress error messages from compilers 
that don't like to see casts that truncate (as an (int) would here).  

How feasible is it to use an internal type (e.g., MPIR_Size_t) instead of 
MPI_Aint for the datatype/file code, and leave MPI_Aint as the sizeof void 
*?  Some of the datatype routines won't be able to return lengths, but 
that's already true for MPI_Type_size.  Will that be adequate for the file 


On Mar 19, 2008, at 3:37 PM, Douglas Miller wrote:

Fix several problems related to having MPI_Aint larger than (void *).
1. In copy_fn() the cast-and-dereference of attribute_val_out will
overwrite the stack in MPIR_Attr_dup_list() as that function only
provides a void * for attribute_val_out.

2. In delete_fn() do not promote values to MPI_Aint for comparing,
especially since neither are MPI_Aint to begin with.

3. Also in delete_fn(), the error path will segfault because it tries
to dereference attribute_val which is not a pointer.

4. Other uses of MPI_Aint are arbitrary and complicate the test.
Since attribute values in this program start out as ints and are
stored as void * within attributes, it seems confusing to be casting
them to/from MPI_Aint in between. This also avoids 64-bit manipulations
on 32-bit architectures.


diff --git a/lib/mpi/mpich2/test/mpi/attr/attric.c
index 6b87a4e..56738e9 100644
--- a/lib/mpi/mpich2/test/mpi/attr/attric.c
+++ b/lib/mpi/mpich2/test/mpi/attr/attric.c
@@ -41,24 +41,24 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
 int copy_fn( MPI_Comm oldcomm, int keyval, void *extra_state,
             void *attribute_val_in, void *attribute_val_out, int *flag)
     /* Note that if (sizeof(int) < sizeof(void *), just setting the int
        part of attribute_val_out may leave some dirty bits
-    *(MPI_Aint *)attribute_val_out = (MPI_Aint)attribute_val_in;
+    *(void **)attribute_val_out = attribute_val_in;
     *flag = 1;
     return MPI_SUCCESS;

 int delete_fn( MPI_Comm comm, int keyval, void *attribute_val,
               void *extra_state)
     int world_rank;
     MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank );
-    if ((MPI_Aint)attribute_val != (MPI_Aint)world_rank) {
-       printf( "incorrect attribute value %d\n", *(int*)attribute_val );
+    if (attribute_val != (void *)world_rank) {
+       printf( "incorrect attribute value %ld\n", (long)attribute_val );
        MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1005 );
     return MPI_SUCCESS;

 int test_communicators( void )
@@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ int test_communicators( void )
     int flag, world_rank, world_size, key_1, key_3;
     int errs = 0;
     /*      integer n, ,
            .        key_2

-    MPI_Aint value;
+    int      value;
     int      isLeft;

     MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank );
     MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size );
 #ifdef DEBUG
     if (world_rank == 0) {
@@ -105,25 +105,25 @@ int test_communicators( void )
                          &key_3, &value );

        /* This may generate a compilation warning; it is, however, an
           easy way to cache a value instead of a pointer */
        /* printf( "key1 = %x key3 = %x\n", key_1, key_3 ); */
-       MPI_Attr_put(comm, key_1, (void *) (MPI_Aint) world_rank );
+       MPI_Attr_put(comm, key_1, (void *)world_rank );
        /*         MPI_Attr_put(lo_comm, key_2, world_size ) */
        MPI_Attr_put(comm, key_3, (void *)0 );

        MPI_Comm_dup(comm, &dup_comm );

        /* Note that if sizeof(int) < sizeof(void *), we can't use
           (void **)&value to get the value we passed into Attr_put.  To
           problems (e.g., alignment errors), we recover the value into
           a (void *) and cast to int. Note that this may generate warning
           messages from the compiler.  */
        MPI_Attr_get(dup_comm, key_1, (void **)&vvalue, &flag );
-       value = (MPI_Aint)vvalue;
+       value = (int)vvalue;

        if (! flag) {
            printf( "dup_comm key_1 not found on %d\n", world_rank );
            fflush( stdout );
            MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 3004 );
@@ -148,13 +148,13 @@ int test_communicators( void )
              printf( "dup_comm key_2 value incorrect: %d\n", value );
             fflush( stdout );
              MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 3007 );
        MPI_Attr_get(dup_comm, key_3, (void **)&vvalue, &flag );
-       value = (MPI_Aint)vvalue;
+       value = (int)vvalue;
        if (flag) {
            printf( "dup_comm key_3 found!\n" );
            fflush( stdout );
            MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 3008 );

William Gropp
Paul and Cynthia Saylor Professor of Computer Science
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

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