Fw: [mpich2-dev] MPI_Aint testcase development

Michael Blocksome blocksom at us.ibm.com
Wed Mar 12 16:30:29 CDT 2008

FYI .. in case anyone missed my previous post. :)

Michael Blocksome
Blue Gene Messaging Team Lead
Advanced Systems SW Development
blocksom at us.ibm.com

----- Forwarded by Michael Blocksome/Rochester/IBM on 03/12/2008 04:33 PM 

owner-mpich2-dev at mcs.anl.gov wrote on 03/10/2008 03:28:37 PM:

> We are also running the test suite included with MPICH. 
> A small subset of that is run on every software build (basically, 
> everyday) and we generally try to run through the entire thing 
> before significant code check-ins. 
> Brian Smith
> BlueGene MPI Development
> IBM Rochester
> Phone: 507 253 4717
> smithbr at us.ibm.com

> Michael Blocksome/Rochester/IBM at IBMUS 
> Sent by: owner-mpich2-dev at mcs.anl.gov 
> 03/10/2008 03:15 PM 
> Please respond to
> mpich2-dev at mcs.anl.gov
> To
> mpich2-dev at mcs.anl.gov 
> cc
> Subject
> [mpich2-dev] MPI_Aint testcase development
> I'd like to start a discussion about MPI_Aint testcase development. 
> IBM is running the following test suites as each new internal 
> development builds become available: 
> 1. Intelanl2006 
> 2. SKAMPI5 
> What is missing from this list are *targeted* tests for the MPI_Aint
> problem. The only known test (to my knowledge) that hits the problem
> is the b_eff_io program .. yet even this test was not written 
> specifically to the MPI_Aint problem. 
> Digging through my inbox, I found this from a summary email sent by 
> Bryan Hartlen (IBM) on 2/19: 
> -------------------------------------------------------- 
> ROMIO issue: 
> The Plan 
> 1) Both IBM and ANL agree that the best way to proceed is to use 
> what was originally called option B (recasting) 
> 2) Both IBM and ANL agree that IBM will assume the lead for 
> implementing the change (making the change(s) as required, testing 
> and releasing) 
> 3) Both IBM and ANL agree that IBM's effort above would benefit from
> any test case development that ANL would be willing to provide. 
> 4) Both IBM and ANL agree that IBM's scheduled release for this work
> in the V1R2 release cycle (May 16) is acceptable. 
> 5) Both IBM and ANL would like DOE's agreement that this plan above 
> is sufficient to remove the ROMIO issue as a gate to starting 500T 
> -------------------------------------------------------- 
> In regards to item #3, is ANL able to write testcase code for this 
> problem, given your knowledge and understanding of the code paths 
> involved?  Specifically, what code paths should we consider for test
> case development? 
> Let's discuss on this mailing list the targeted tests that need to 
> be developed in order to fully test the solution to the MPI_Aint 
> Thanks! 
> Michael Blocksome
> Blue Gene Messaging Team Lead
> Advanced Systems SW Development
> blocksom at us.ibm.com 
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