[MPICH2-dev] Running MPICH2 with slurm Process Manager

Don.Dhondt at bull.com Don.Dhondt at bull.com
Wed May 24 14:32:19 CDT 2006

We are running  mvapich2-0.9.3-RC0 with  infiniband OFED1.0 RC4 release 
and have had good results.
We would like to use the SLURM resource manager with this combination 
rather than MPD
but it does not appear to be one of the choices avaliable. Does anyone 
have any
experience in this area?

    ./configure  --prefix=${PREFIX} ${MULTI_THREAD} \
    --with-device=osu_ch3:mrail --with-rdma=gen2 --with-pm=mpd \
    --disable-romio --without-mpe 2>&1 |tee config-mine.log

   We would have liked to have seen an option for slurm.

Donald Dhondt
GCOS 8 Communications Solutions Project Manager
Bull HN Information Systems Inc.
13430 N. Black Canyon Hwy., Phoenix, AZ  85029
Work (602) 862-5245     Fax (602) 862-4290
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