[MPICH2-dev] Re: New version of MPICH2 (1.0.2)

Peter Lichtner plichtner at cybermesa.com
Tue Jun 14 19:51:03 CDT 2005

Greetings: I was able to compile the new version of MPICH on MacOSX  
Tiger which is great!
However, I noticed in the readme file that:

     -  A Fortran-90 compiler if you configure with --enable-f90 .  Only
        MPI-2 "basic" support is provided at this time (no F90 module).

Does this mean that I can not use modules in my source code? I am  
using MPICH with PETSc and the code is Fortran-90 using the Absoft  
9.0 Fortran compiler and it is structured to use modules. I believe  
there is a later version of Absoft for Tiger. But I am wondering if  
this code will run with MPICH2 even if I update the Absoft compiler?
Thanks, ...Peter

On Jun 10, 2005, at 6:42 PM, Rajeev Thakur wrote:

> A new version of MPICH2, 1.0.2, has been released. You can download  
> it from
> www.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/mpich2. We recommend you upgrade to this  
> version if you
> are running an older version of MPICH2 or MPICH-1. New features in  
> this
> release include:
> * better portability (particularly for Mac OS/X and AIX)
> * fixes to shared library builds with gcc
> * fixes to problems with Fortran 90 compilers
> * performance improvements with subarray and darray datatypes in  
> * MPI-2 RMA optimizations for the sshm channel
> * Improvements to the MPD process manager
> * Various updates and improvements to ROMIO
> * Improvements to MPE toolkit
> * Miscellaneous bug fixes
> Further details are in the CHANGES file in the distribution.
> For those interested in details of the code changes, the CVS log  
> summaries
> are available at http://www.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/mpich2/ 
> mpich2_1_0_2changes.htm
> Regards,
> The MPICH2 Team

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