No subject

Doug Gilmore dgilmore at
Tue Jan 27 15:26:36 CST 2004

When relative paths are used to configure MPICH-2, the runtests
script fails:

$ make testing
./runtests -srcdir=../../test -tests=testlist \
	   -mpiexec=/notbackedup/tmp/mpich2-0.96p2/b/local/bin/mpiexec \
Looking in ./testlist
Processing directory util
Looking in ./util/testlist
Could not open testlist
make: *** [testing] Error 2

With the following changes, testing works when a MPICH-2 build
is configured with a relative source path.


***	Mon Dec  8 12:32:41 2003
--- ../b/test/runtests	Tue Jan 27 12:55:44 2004
*** 171,178 ****
--- 171,182 ----
      my $listfile = $_[1];
      my $savedir = `pwd`;
      my $savecurdir = $curdir;
+     my $savesrcdir = $srcdir;
      chop $savedir;
+     if (substr($srcdir,0,3) eq "../") {
+ 	$srcdir = "../$srcdir";
+     }
      print "Processing directory $dir\n" if ($verbose || $debug);
      chdir $dir;
*** 185,190 ****
--- 189,195 ----
      chdir $savedir;
      $curdir = $savecurdir;
+     $srcdir = $savesrcdir;
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Run the programs listed in the file given as the argument. 

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