[mpich-discuss] MPI 64 bit for 64 bit code on windows7 64 bit

Tahir Mushtaq tahmush at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 26 00:46:00 CDT 2012

Hi,         freefem++ is a free software for fluid dynamics which is built under C++. It has freefem++-mpi.exe (64 bit)  as a utality to run its code for parallel processing by using MPI. I tried its examples and gets error as mentioned earlier. Howerver, it works well with MS-MPI (Microsoft MPI) while it hange with MPICH2 (64 bit).
 > Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2012 10:51:56 -0500
> From: jayesh at mcs.anl.gov
> To: marco.degregorio at iet.unipi.it
> CC: mpich-discuss at mcs.anl.gov
> Subject: Re: [mpich-discuss] MPI 64 bit for 64 bit code on windows7 64 bit
> Hi,
>  If you can give us a simple test case that shows the problem it would be useful (The smallest fortran program, test.f, that compiles and shows the problem).
> (PS: A couple of lines of fortran code that shows the problem is what we need.)
> Regards,
> Jayesh
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Marco De Gregorio" <marco.degregorio at iet.unipi.it>
> To: "Jayesh Krishna" <jayesh at mcs.anl.gov>
> Cc: mpich-discuss at mcs.anl.gov
> Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 7:01:35 AM
> Subject: Re: [mpich-discuss] MPI 64 bit for 64 bit code on windows7 64 bit
> Hi, 
> I am sorry, but I don't understand. Do you want to see my code? 
> I can copy a subroutine with error if it is useful. 
> However, the program test fpi work well. 
> This is the subroutine: 
> !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 
> SUBROUTINE Build_MPI_near_field_type(var_name,MY_MPI_near_field_type) 
> !::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 
> TYPE(near_field_var), INTENT(IN) :: var_name 
> INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: MY_MPI_near_field_type 
> INTEGER :: type_list(SIZE), block_lenghts(SIZE), MY_MPI_error 
> !generate type_list 
> type_list(1) = MPI_REAL 
> type_list(2) = MPI_REAL 
> type_list(3) = MPI_REAL 
> type_list(4) = MPI_INTEGER 
> ! in the 64bit version, after last MPI_GET_ADDRESS it change 
> !the value of block_lenghts(1) in -1. I moved it under 
> !Fill block_lengths 
> !block_lenghts(:) = 1 
> !get addresses 
> CALL MPI_GET_ADDRESS(var_name%distance,address(1),MY_MPI_error) 
> CALL MPI_GET_ADDRESS(var_name%min_distance,address(2),MY_MPI_error) 
> CALL MPI_GET_ADDRESS(var_name%max_distance,address(3),MY_MPI_error) 
> CALL MPI_GET_ADDRESS(var_name%flag,address(4),MY_MPI_error) 
> !Compute displacement 
> displs(1) = 0 
> displs(2) = address(2) - address(1) 
> displs(3) = address(3) - address(1) 
> displs(4) = address(4) - address(1) 
> !Fill block_lengths 
> block_lenghts(:) = 1 
> CALL MPI_TYPE_CREATE_STRUCT(SIZE,block_lenghts,displs,type_list,MY_MPI_near_field_type,MY_MPI_error) 
> CALL MPI_TYPE_COMMIT(MY_MPI_near_field_type,MY_MPI_error) 
> This is the call in other sub: 
> !Near field (for sparfied matrix) 
> CALL Build_MPI_near_field_type(var_name%near_field,MY_MPI_near_field_type) 
> I defined 
> TYPE(project_var), INTENT(IN) :: var_name 
> INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: MY_MPI_near_field_type 
> Where in a module I defined: 
> TYPE :: project_var 
> TYPE(near_field_var) :: near_field 
> TYPE(ground_var) :: ground 
> ... 
> END TYPE project_var 
> and 
> TYPE :: near_field_var 
> REAL(KIND=SGL) :: distance, min_distance, max_distance 
> INTEGER :: flag 
> END TYPE near_field_var 
> In another module: 
> p.s. of course. The 64 bit code doesn't work with 32 bit MPICH2, the builder returned error in link procedure. 
> Ing. Marco De Gregorio 
> Microwave & Radiation Laboratory 
> Dip. Ingegneria dell'Informazione - Università di Pisa 
> via G. Caruso 16, 56122 Pisa - Italy 
> Lab : (+39)050.2217681 
> Cell : (+39)3281982575 
> Mail : marco.degregorio at iet.unipi.it 
> 2012/9/24 Jayesh Krishna < jayesh at mcs.anl.gov > 
> Hi, 
> Can you send us a test program (source code) that fails? 
> (PS: I am assuming that you recompiled your code after installing the 64-bit libs.) 
> Regards, 
> Jayesh 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Marco De Gregorio" < marco.degregorio at iet.unipi.it > 
> To: mpich-discuss at mcs.anl.gov 
> Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 11:21:46 AM 
> Subject: [mpich-discuss] MPI 64 bit for 64 bit code on windows7 64 bit 
> Hi, 
> I work with a Fortran code. I use Visual Studio 2008 and Intel Fortran 11. 
> I have always used 32 bit MPI successfully. 
> Now I need to switch my code to 64 bit. First of all I uninstalled 32 bit MPICH2 and I installed mpich2-1.4.1p1-win-x86-64. 
> I have several problems. 
> When I launch my program, the first value of some integer array ( block_lengths ) changes sign after some MPI_GET_ADDRESS and I have an error message. Below you can find a piece of code. 
> block_lengths(:) = 1 
> !get addresses 
> CALL MPI_GET_ADDRESS(var_name%distance,address(1),MY_MPI_error) 
> CALL MPI_GET_ADDRESS(var_name%min_distance,address(2),MY_MPI_error) 
> CALL MPI_GET_ADDRESS(var_name%max_distance,address(3),MY_MPI_error) 
> CALL MPI_GET_ADDRESS(var_name%flag,address(4),MY_MPI_error) 
> So, I changed the position of these arrays in the code and I have bypass the error, but after the change, however the code doesn't work. The problem is with a mpi_send and mpi_receiver. 
> address is defined as INTEGER(KIND = MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: address(SIZE) , but write(*,*) MPI_GET_ADDRESS returns 4. 
> In the mpif.h I found: 
> There is a mistake. 
> Do you have any idea to help me?? 
> With 32 bit MPICH2 and 32 bit code I don't have error. 
> If I try mpiexec -n 1 code_64bit.exe , the 64 bit code works fine. 
> Thank you, 
> regards, 
> -- 
> Ing. Marco De Gregorio 
> Microwave & Radiation Laboratory 
> Dip. Ingegneria dell'Informazione - Università di Pisa 
> via G. Caruso 16, 56122 Pisa - Italy 
> Lab: (+39)050.2217681 
> Mail: marco.degregorio at iet.unipi.it 
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