Elie M elie.moujaes at hotmail.co.uk
Mon Sep 24 08:52:37 CDT 2012

Dear All, I have a problem.  I am doing parallel computing using the QE package and while executing an executable ph.x , i get the error:
"mpirun was unable to launch the specified application as it could not accessor execute an executable:
Executable: /home/emoujaes/Elie-Packages/espresso-5.0.1-GPU/bin/ph.xNode: compute-0-9.local
while attempting to start process rank 0.--------------------------------------------------------------------------/var/spool/torque/mom_priv/jobs/5002.jlborges.fisica.ufmg.br.SC: line 91: [General]: command not found/var/spool/torque/mom_priv/jobs/5002.jlborges.fisica.ufmg.br.SC: line 92: Backup.zip: command not found/var/spool/torque/mom_priv/jobs/5002.jlborges.fisica.ufmg.br.SC: line 130: [CD]: command not found/var/spool/torque/mom_priv/jobs/5002.jlborges.fisica.ufmg.br.SC: line 132: [Ftp]: command not found/var/spool/torque/mom_priv/jobs/5002.jlborges.fisica.ufmg.br.SC: line 136: [eMail]: command not foundfind: logs: No such file or directoryfind: of: No such file or directoryfind: the: No such file or directory.."
What might be the problem.... I am not sure if this might be causing it or not as I am not an expert in programming. The executable ph.x is found in a Package PHONONS which was a separate one from the Quantum espresso Pacakge. I unzipped it and compiled the executables which were put in the bin folder where all other executables are but they were shaded with different colours...I am not sure if this is causing the problem or not. Please help.
EElie Moukaes\University of NottsNG7 2RDUK 		 	   		  
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