[mpich-discuss] installation of MPI2-1.4.1p1 on Win7-PC does not work (SMPD problem?)

Michael.Rachner at dlr.de Michael.Rachner at dlr.de
Fri Sep 14 04:39:04 CDT 2012

Dear developers of MPICH2,

I tried to install MPICH2 on my Windows7 (64-bit) PC (Intel XEON Quadcore,  16 GB RAM).

I do not know, which of the 2 packages that can be downloaded for Windows from
is the right one for my PC:

    or:   mpich2-1.4.1p1-win-ia32

First question: which of the 2  packages is the right one?

So I installed both (logged in as administrator) . But with none of them I am able to run  my  SPRAYCORE.exe  executable.
I use the following small batch-script  runMPICH  to start the execution under MPICH:


@echo ON
@echo ###############################################################
@echo   Start of script to run the SPRAYCORE-executable using MPICH
@echo                                on  %1  processes under WINDOWS
@echo         at:  %DATE%  %TIME%
@echo         script name        :  %0
@echo         with given argument:  %*
@echo ###############################################################

@REM --this is the installation obtained from installing the package  mpich2-1.4.1p1-win-ia32.msi  (downloaded 2012-09-13):
@rem    @set MPI_DIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\MPICH2
@REM --this is the installation obtained from installing the package  mpich2-1.4.1p1-win-x86-64    (downloaded 2012-09-14):
        @set MPI_DIR=C:\Program Files\MPICH2

      @if qqq%1 neq qqq   goto L10
         @echo   **** ERROR: This script requires 1 argument, being the desired number (^>0) of processes
         @echo        --^> STOP will follow.
         @goto EXIT

      @set NUMPROCSWORLD=%1

@if qqq%NUMPROCSWORLD% LEQ qqq1 (


) else                          (

      @rem "%MPI_DIR%"\bin\mpiexec.exe -help2

      echo "%MPI_DIR%"\bin\smpd.exe -install
           "%MPI_DIR%"\bin\smpd.exe -install

      echo "%MPI_DIR%"\bin\mpiexec.exe -n %NUMPROCSWORLD% -localonly -l SPRAYCORE.exe -use_mpi
           "%MPI_DIR%"\bin\mpiexec.exe -n %NUMPROCSWORLD% -localonly -l SPRAYCORE.exe -use_mpi

It got the following answers when running both installations:

This is the answer when using the  installation from   mpich2-1.4.1p1-win-x86-64.msi :

C:\Windows\System32>runMPICH 4

  Start of script to run the SPRAYCORE-executable using MPICH
                               on  4  processes under WINDOWS
        at:  14.09.2012  10:31:23.21

        script name        :  runMPICH

        with given argument:  4


"C:\Program Files\MPICH2"\bin\smpd.exe -install
OpenSCManager failed:
Zugriff verweigert (error 5)
Unable to remove the previous installation, install failed.

"C:\Program Files\MPICH2"\bin\mpiexec.exe -n 4 -localonly -l SPRAYCORE.exe -use_mpi
Unknown option: -d
Error while connecting to host, Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, da der Zielcomputer die Verbindung verweigerte. (10
Connect on sock (host=VT-001016D.intra.dlr.de, port=8676) failed, exhaused all end points
Unable to connect to 'VT-001016D.intra.dlr.de:8676',
sock error: Error = -1

ReadFile() failed, error 109
unable to start the local smpd manager.

And this is the answer when running the installation from   mpich2-1.4.1p1-win-ia32.msi  :

C:\Windows\System32>runMPICH 4

  Start of script to run the SPRAYCORE-executable using MPICH
                               on  4  processes under WINDOWS
        at:  14.09.2012  10:28:38.09

        script name        :  runMPICH

        with given argument:  4


"C:\Program Files (x86)\MPICH2"\bin\smpd.exe -install
OpenSCManager failed:
Zugriff verweigert (error 5)
Unable to remove the previous installation, install failed.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\MPICH2"\bin\mpiexec.exe -n 4 -localonly -l SPRAYCORE.exe -use_mpi
Please specify an authentication passphrase for smpd:
Unknown option: -d
Please specify an authentication passphrase for smpd:
Error while connecting to host, Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, da der Zielcomputer die Verbindung verweigerte. (10
Connect on sock (host=VT-001016D.intra.dlr.de, port=8676) failed, exhaused all end points
Unable to connect to 'VT-001016D.intra.dlr.de:8676',
sock error: Error = -1

ReadFile() failed, error 109
unable to start the local smpd manager.

The host name mentioned in the answers is indeed correct:  VT-001016D.intra.dlr.de
Translation of:   Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, da der Zielcomputer die Verbindung verweigerte.
                              No connection could be established, because the goal-computer refused the connection.

You see that the answers of the 2 installations differ only by asking the authentification SMPD passphrase (still 'behappy') or not.
It makes no difference, whether I do that as an administrator or as a normal user.
(By the way:  It is cumbersome to be asked at every MPICH run for entering the passphrase!)

You see, there is a problem with the smpd.exe. The task manager shows that there is no process  smpd.exe  running on my machine.
(In contrast, on a WinXP-machine (32-bit)  of a collegue that process is running automatically since startup of the computer. And there MPICH works.)

My 2nd Question: Can you help me?

Thank You,

   Michael Rachner

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