[mpich-discuss] Issue: mpich2-1.4.1-installguide.pdf | Section 2.2.5

Rohan Mittal rohan.mittal at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 20:49:39 CST 2012


I am new to MPICH2 and am trying to configure the same in Cygwin on my
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit system.

While following the steps outlined in Section 2.2.5 of the "
I encounter an error "/home/Rohan
Mittal/libraries/mpich2-1.4.1p1/configure: line 2501: /home/Rohan: No such
file or directory" when I execute "/home/Rohan\
Mittal/libraries/mpich2-1.4.1p1/configure \
-prefix=/home/Rohan\ Mittal/mpich2-install |& tee c.txt". As per Section
9.3, it looks like the space between Rohan and Mittal is the issue. Any
ideas how this can be resolved?

Thanks for your help.


Sent from Cyclotron Rd., Berkeley, California, United States of America
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/home/Rohan Mittal/libraries/mpich2-1.4.1p1/configure: line 2501: /home/Rohan: No such file or directory

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