[mpich-discuss] Problem with MPI_File_write_all in Fortran90?

Angel de Vicente angelv at iac.es
Tue Jul 24 05:16:09 CDT 2012


Rajeev Thakur <thakur at mcs.anl.gov> writes:
> Even in C, the file size should be 40K for a 100*100 integer array, not 118K. 9.8T is generous.

I guess if the system says that "restart is required" after installing a
bunch of new libraries, perhaps it is really required :-) After
restarting, the Fortran code (simplified code, which I attach) behaves
as expected, but now it is the C version that is giving me funny

angelv$$ mpicc -o parallel_i_oc parallel_i_o.c
angelv$$ mpif90 -o parallel_i_of parallel_i_o.f90
angelv$$ rm datafile_c
angelv$$ rm datafile_f

angelv$$ mpiexec -n 4 ./parallel_i_oc
angelv$$ mpiexec -n 4 ./parallel_i_of

angelv$$ od -i datafile_c
0000000        2001        2002      102001      102002
0000020 -2038304232       32707 -1525747176       32711
0000040      202001      202002      302001      302002
0000060  -892304872       32686   -13377000       32668

angelv$$ od -i datafile_f
0000000        1001        2001      201001      202001
0000020        1002        2002      201002      202002
0000040      101001      102001      301001      302001
0000060      101002      102002      301002      302002

Do you see any problem with the C code?

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?ngel de Vicente

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