[mpich-discuss] Hydra framework (thru Grid Engine)

Bernard Chambon bernard.chambon at cc.in2p3.fr
Mon Jan 2 09:31:26 CST 2012


Le 27 déc. 2011 à 06:48, Pavan Balaji a écrit :

> This is not an MPD vs. Hydra issue, but something that went wrong in the new release of MPICH2.  Can you tell us which versions you can reproduce the performance degradation with and file a ticket for it?

No I can't reproduce the performance degradation.
I think that it was a wrong interpretation from myself

I apologize for this wrong information

I have rerun the same code, compiled with gcc (4.1.x), and I can't get higher numbers with gcc than icc.

and with gcc, I'm not so far from the eth2 limit (~1GB/s)

> dstat -n -N eth0,eth2
--net/eth0- --net/eth2-
 recv  send: recv  send
   0     0 :   0     0 
 796B  848B:1710k  859M
 340B  134B:1842k  934M
  70B  734B:1647k  827M
 134B  134B:1800k  898M
 326B  209B:1483k  728M

Best regards

04 72 69 42 18

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