[mpich-discuss] Compiling mpich2 using Intel Fortran Compiler v12

O'Sullivan, Niall (HMRC) n.osullivan at ucc.ie
Mon Apr 30 11:22:44 CDT 2012

One of the prerequisites for a package that I want to use, Delft3D, is mpich2 but for everything to work correctly I have been told that Delft3D and mpich2 both need to be compiled with the same compiler, in this case Intel Fortran Compiler v12.

The readme file included with the mpich2 download includes instructions on how to disable Fortran support but does not seem to cover how to specify a particular Fortran compiler to use. Please indicate how to compile mpich2 using an Intel Fortran compiler v12 or suggest a possible source for this information.

The instructions in the readme file included with the MPICH2-1.4.1p1 release were followed and completed without error but compiling Delft3D fails, see attached file for mpich installation commands. Also, the operating system in use is Ubuntu 11.10.

Best regards,
Niall O'Sullivan

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