[mpich-discuss] Getting a unique name for each MPI task

Rayson Ho raysonlogin at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 11:15:51 CDT 2012

Are there plans to change the semantics of $PMI_RANK? I need a unique
name for each task on each node (or better yet, globally) so that the
unique name can be used for the output filename.

The whole discussion started on Google's gpreftools list: a user
wanted to use the Heap Profiler to profile memory allocation behavior
of an MPI program, but the issue is that all MPI tasks on a node
writes to the same output file:


I proposed to mangle the $RANK into the filename:


We are planning to specify the *name* of the RANK variable, so that we
don't need to change the Heap Profiler source code and can use the
same binary to profile different MPI libraries. Thus for MPICH2, we
will use:

% mpirun ... LD_PRELOAD=libtcmalloc.so

In Open MPI, there is the $OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK variable:

% mpirun ... LD_PRELOAD=libtcmalloc.so

(according to: http://www.open-mpi.org/faq/?category=running#mpi-environmental-variables


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