[mpich-discuss] A error when configuring the mpich2 1.4.1

Bao Kai paeanball at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 12:55:42 CDT 2011

Dear All,

It turned out that maybe something is wrong with the compiler from the

When I turned to the compiler from Fedora, it seemed the problem has been


On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 8:03 PM, Bao Kai <paeanball at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear All,
> I have compiled the MPICH2 for several times before, while I get a error
> when I tried to compied the mpich2 1.4.1.
> I just enter the following command to configure the mpich2
> ./configure --prefix=/home/baok/local_research 2>&1 | tee c.txt
> I got the following message, which I have never met before.
>   error: unable to determine matching C type for C++ bool
> The the version of GNU compiler I am using is 4.6.0. The size of the bool
> is C++ is 1, and the size of unsigned char is 1 too. I do not know why I
> still get this error message.
> I am very familiar with the shell language, so I can not figure out what is
> going wrong.
> Attached please find the c.txt file.
> I am wondering if anyone can help me in this case.
> Thank you very much.
> Best Regards,
> Kai
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