[mpich-discuss] MPICH mpiexec can't run if you install matlab

孔涛 hawk_kongtao at yahoo.com.cn
Thu Mar 17 12:57:30 CDT 2011

Hi, everyone.

I can't not run the mpi program, my system is win7 intalled with matlab. and my 
mpich version is 1.3.3 rc1, My Gcc version is 4.5.2

I also have set the path of my system, make sure that the path of mpich2\bin 
before matalb\bin\win32

but I still can't run,neither the gui nor the cmd line. it returns nothing if 
you run in the command line.

I don't know why, and I am waiting for your reply, thank you ~

孔涛     山东大学数学学院
Mobile:13688635846       Phone:0531-88369020     QQ:584219201

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