[mpich-discuss] The setting of mpich2-1.3.2p1 with MinGW (GCC 4.5.2) on Win 7

孔涛 hawk_kongtao at yahoo.com.cn
Sat Mar 5 00:05:36 CST 2011

Hi, everyone.

I got some problem when I set the MPICH2 with Gcc on my windows 7 system.

I  want to compile some parallel program source files written by c++ with  the 
GCC complier,so I installed the  "editplus","mpich2-1.3.2p1-
win-ia32.exe"  and "MinGW (GCC V4.5.2)" that I download from the offical website 
on my  windows 7 system. I give the following compiling settings of g++ 

g++  -I D:\MathProgF\MPICH2\include -L D:\MathProgF\MPICH2\lib $(FileName) -o 
$(FileNameNoExt) -lmpicxx -lmpi
while I complie the following sourcefile 
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <mpi.h>
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    //begin the main function
    int rank,size;
    cout<<"I am "<<rank<<" of "<<size<<endl;
    return 0;
and I got the following information:
D:\MathProgF\MPICH2\lib/libmpi.a: file not recognized: File truncated
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Press any key to continue......

Q: Can anyone tell me how to settle this problem, thank you very much! ^^


孔涛     山东大学数学学院
Mobile:13688635846       Phone:0531-88369020     QQ:584219201

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