[mpich-discuss] [Fwd: Re: installing and using MPI_PUBLISH_NAME and MPI_LOOKUP_NAME with mpich2]
Bernard Secher - SFME/LGLS
bernard.secher at cea.fr
Wed Jul 6 03:25:09 CDT 2011
So, how do you solve my use case ?
Pavan Balaji a écrit :
> On 07/06/2011 02:02 AM, Bernard Secher - SFME/LGLS wrote:
>> Because I don't know what is the first executable which publishes the
>> name, and what is the second executable which looks up the name.
>> The first arrived, publishes the name.
> Is your expectation that the second process that tries to publish the
> name returns an error? If yes, then that's an incorrect expectation.
> This is undefined behavior as per the MPI standard and the
> implementation can do anything, including hang, in such cases.
> -- Pavan
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Bernard Sécher DEN/DM2S/SFME/LGLS mailto : bsecher at cea.fr
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