[mpich-discuss] Fatal error in MPI_Init

Jayesh Krishna jayesh at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Jan 31 09:33:47 CST 2011


>> Can you provide a custom build for me? how much would it cost? or would it be free ?

 MPICH2 is open-source and available at no cost (free). I can provide a custom build for you, however we recommend all users to use stable releases for production environments. Also, the version that I provide you will be an experimental support for Network Direct (performance tuning is in the works... and I haven't had a chance to run it on a large system to weed out all the bugs.).
 I would recommend buying "Using MPI" (http://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/projects/mpi/usingmpi/) or any other introductory book on getting started with MPI. There is also a lot of material on MPI if you google for it.
 I will provide you a custom build in a couple of days.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Gustavo Uribe" <gustfuribe at hotmail.com>
To: jayesh at mcs.anl.gov
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2011 5:26:47 PM
Subject: RE: [mpich-discuss] Fatal error in MPI_Init


thanks for your quick response ! 
I'm a little complicated with time , I need it soon . 
Can you provide a custom build for me? how much would it cost? or would it be free ? 

I'm just getting started with MPI, and InfiniBand networks . That's why I wanted to ask if you can send me a manual or tutorial where I can learn a little more about it . 

Gustavo Uribe 

> Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2011 15:59:22 -0600 
> From: jayesh at mcs.anl.gov 
> To: mpich-discuss at mcs.anl.gov 
> CC: gustfuribe at hotmail.com 
> Subject: Re: [mpich-discuss] Fatal error in MPI_Init 
> Hi, 
> It looks like the adapter (driver) does not allow creating TCP/IP sockets (There is no service provided for TCP/IP). 
> The next version of MPICH2 on Windows will have a Network Direct module that should allow you to run your application over Infiniband. I don't know when the next version will be out (~ 1-2 months), if you need it sooner please let me know and I can provide a custom build for you. 
> (PS: Currently MPICH2 on Windows has support for only plain TCP/IP sockets. It does not support Winsock direct or Network Direct.) 
> Regards, 
> Jayesh 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Gustavo Uribe" <gustfuribe at hotmail.com> 
> To: mpich-discuss at mcs.anl.gov 
> Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 10:52:41 AM 
> Subject: [mpich-discuss] Fatal error in MPI_Init 
> Hello everybody! 
> I'm newbie with MPI, so I think I need your help! 
> I want to tell you what is my problem: 
> I have 2 computers connected with Infiniband adapters. On both PCs I'm running Windows XP, and I have installed the correspondent drivers. Then I configured the subnet, and it's possible for me to ping one PC with the other. 
> After that, I installed MPICH2 (for Windows). 
> I want to run a simple "Hello World" program (programmed in C), but in the moment when I want to run the program using MPIEXEC, I obtain the following message: 
> Fatal error in MPI_Init: Other MPI error, error stack: 
> MPIR_Init_thread<388>..........: 
> MPID_Init<315>.................: channel initialization failed 
> MPDIDI_CH3_Init<38>............: 
> MPID_nem_init<234>.............: 
> MPID_nem_newtcp_module_init<90>: 
> MPID_nem_newtcp_module_init<89>: unable to create a socket. No se puede cargar o inicializar el proveedor de servicios solicitado. 
> <errno 10106> 
> Am I doing something wrong? 
> Please! Help me! I'm newbie with MPI. 
> Thanks! 
> Gustavo 
> >From Bariloche (Argentina) 
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