[mpich-discuss] Is this possible for mpich2?

Eugene N neverov.biks.07.1 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 12 06:58:09 CST 2011


I was wondering, whether mpich2 can be used in the following scenario:

Client-Server application, where N clients send data to server, at random
in time, and server must collect them all, not caring much from whence the
data came.

sort of like this:

SERVER: while(true) { recieve something from anybody}

CLIENT1: if (i feel like it) {send something to server }
CLIENTN: if (i feel like it) {send something to server }

The problem is this - i don't really know what sort of interaction  this is
in professional terms (is it synchronous, asynchronous, another kind?) and
therefore what function i must look up in my reference manual pages.

Also, there is another snag, the size of the data, being sent, is unknown (a
random sized block of data)?

I'd love to hear some opinions and advice on the matter

Thanks in advance

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