[mpich-discuss] Can MPICH2 handle the fault that some processes die irregularly

ejoywx ejoywx at 163.com
Tue Jan 4 19:41:44 CST 2011

Dear Sir,

Sorry to trouble you!

Maybe I am to ask this question. But for me, "Can MPICH2 handle the fault that some processes die irregularly" , it is very important: In our computer cluster, I find if a process dies in some node or a node is shutdown, all process of the cluster will die. We attempt to register a error handlerto deal with suchfault,unfortunately, We fail!

I admit that Ido not know MPICH2, but I hope I am able to get help from you!  "Can MPICH2 handle the fault that some processes die irregularly?"

I look forward toreceiving youre-mail.Thanks.

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