[mpich-discuss] MPICH 2 on Window 7 home premium

Jayesh Krishna jayesh at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Feb 10 09:52:58 CST 2011

 Is the username/password valid on the second machine (Do you have the same Windows username/password on the second machine ? )? If so, you should be able to run your job. Are you able to run your job now ?
 Registration of username/password is local to the machine. MPICH2 does not automatically register the same username on all the nodes. If you would like to register username/password on each machine you should register the credentials on each (Type "mpiexec -register" on each). However, to launch your job you need to have the username/password registered only on the machine/node where you launch your job.
 Let us know the results.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Koh Voon Li" <kohvoonli at gmail.com>
To: "Jayesh Krishna" <jayesh at mcs.anl.gov>
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 9:30:16 AM
Subject: Re: MPICH 2 on Window 7 home premium


Thanks for the reply. I was able to registered 2 username on 1 of my computer, but I got error message on my 2nd computer when I try to validate user on it. 

Here is the error message. 
FAIL: Unable to read the credentials from the registry. 



On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 10:10 PM, Jayesh Krishna < jayesh at mcs.anl.gov > wrote: 


>> Credentials for USER-PC\WIN 7 rejected connecting to user-PC 
>> Aborting: Unable to connect to user-PC 

>From the error message it looks like you haven't registered a valid username/password with mpiexec. Please register a valid Windows username/password with mpiexec using the "-register" option (Type "mpiexec -register" at the command prompt and mpiexec will prompt you for the username/password). Once the registration is complete validate it using the "-validate" option (Type "mpiexec -validate" at the command prompt). If you have registered a valid Windows username/password the validate option should return SUCCESS. 
Let us know the results. 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Koh Voon Li" < kohvoonli at gmail.com > 

To: jayesh at mcs.anl.gov 

Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 2:59:35 AM 
Subject: Fwd: MPICH 2 on Window 7 home premium 

Hi Jayesh, 

Sorry for bothering. Attached here is the smpd log in debug mode. 
Million Thanks. 


---------- Forwarded message ---------- 
From: Koh Voon Li < kohvoonli at gmail.com > 
Date: Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 3:30 PM 
Subject: MPICH 2 on Window 7 home premium 
To: jayesh at mcs.anl.gov 

Hi Jayesh, 

I am trying to running parallel FDS (Fire Dynamic Simulator) via 2 PC by using a config file 

here is my config file 

exe "C:\Program Files\FDS\FDS5\bin\fds5_mpi_win_64.exe" "ParadigmV4-13.fds" 
wdir "\\USER-PC\Project\Paradigm\" 
user-PC 6 
WIN7-PC 6 

This is the error message I got from the command prompt. 

C:\>mpiexec -file config.txt 
Credentials for USER-PC\WIN 7 rejected connecting to user-PC 
Aborting: Unable to connect to user-PC 

I used a cross over cable to connect both PCs and I think my setting for the IP address is correct as I can ping each other computer in the command prompt. 
I tried to turned off both firewall but it failed. 


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