[mpich-discuss] Hydra process manager on Condor

Shrivastava, Savita SShrivastava at path.wustl.edu
Mon Dec 19 12:27:48 CST 2011



We have installed MPICH2 with Hydra process manager on our Condor
cluster. When I submit an mpi job to condor, the job is transferred to
the execute node and executed properly (as I looked in the condor log on
execute node where the job was executing)  but it does not write the
standard output from script to condor output file mentioned in job
description file. Please guide me here how to run the mpi job
successfully on condor using hydra process manager.


My job description as below. The perl script has standard output


universe = parallel

executable = /usr/lib64/mpich2/bin/mpiexec

arguments = -n 2 -machinefile machinefile test2.pl


machine_count = 1

should_transfer_files = yes

when_to_transfer_output = on_exit

transfer_input_files = test2.pl


output = ho.out

error  = he.err

log    =  hl.log


Requirements = Memory >= 1024 && Cpus >=2

request_cpus = 2

request_memory = 1024





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