[mpich-discuss] Client - server programs on Windows

Darius Buntinas buntinas at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Aug 23 12:35:27 CDT 2011

Have you tried starting each one with a separate mpiexec?  Unless there are some constraints on doing this on Windows, it should work if you give the port name correctly to the client.


On Aug 23, 2011, at 11:06 AM, Thierry Roudier wrote:

> Actually it's one of my constraints: I cannot run the programs in the same command line.
> Thierry
> On 23/08/2011 5:52 PM, Darius Buntinas wrote:
>> If you want to run two different binaries in the same application you can separate them by a colon (:).  E.g.,
>>     mpiexec -n 4 prog1 : -n 2 prog2
>> This will start 4 processes with the prog1 executable and 2 processes with the prog2 executable.
>> Is this what you're trying to do?
>> -d
>> On Aug 23, 2011, at 10:31 AM, Thierry Roudier wrote:
>>> Thanks Darius for your answer. Unfortunately, by running mpiexec I didn't find a way to set a unique KVS and domain name. Then the programs run in 2 different scopes. And it seems that is the reason why they cannot communicate together.
>>> Regards,
>>> Thierry
>>> On 23/08/2011 4:50 PM, Darius Buntinas wrote:
>>>> A pmi server is needed to exchange connection information (ip address and port) between the processes.  Mpiexec provides this.  Sorry, there's really no way I can see to do this statically.
>>>> -d
>>>> On Aug 23, 2011, at 2:40 AM, Thierry Roudier wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Did someone already try this kind of config?
>>>>> Thank you very much!
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Thierry
>>>>> On 17/08/2011 9:14 PM, Thierry Roudier wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I try to connect 2 programs together using MPICH2 v1.4 between 2 Windows 7 64-bit computers.
>>>>>> I tested various configurations without success. Below is the last config I tried:
>>>>>> - Windows 1: Server
>>>>>> From a command prompt I set the following variables, and ran the server:
>>>>>> set PMI_ROOT_HOST=windows_1
>>>>>> set PMI_KVS=mpich2
>>>>>> set PMI_ROOT_LOCAL=1
>>>>>> set PMI_ROOT_PORT=9222
>>>>>> set PMI_SIZE=2
>>>>>> set PMI_RANK=0
>>>>>> Here is the C code for the server:
>>>>>> #include<stdio.h>
>>>>>> #include<mpi.h>
>>>>>> int main(int nArgc, char ** sArgv)
>>>>>> {
>>>>>>    int nMyRank = 0;
>>>>>>    MPI_Comm mInterComm;
>>>>>>    int nRet;
>>>>>>    char sPortName[MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME];
>>>>>>    nRet = MPI_Init(&nArgc,&sArgv);
>>>>>>    printf("Init - nRet: %d\n", nRet);
>>>>>>    fflush(stdout);
>>>>>>    nRet = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&nMyRank);
>>>>>>    printf("Comm_rank - nRet: %d - MyRank: %d\n", nRet, nMyRank);
>>>>>>    fflush(stdout);
>>>>>>    nRet = MPI_Open_port(MPI_INFO_NULL, sPortName);
>>>>>>    printf("Open_port - nRet: %d - Port name: -%s-\n", nRet, sPortName);
>>>>>>    fflush(stdout);
>>>>>>    nRet = MPI_Comm_accept(sPortName, MPI_INFO_NULL, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&mInterComm);
>>>>>>    printf("Comm_accept - nRet: %d\n", nRet);
>>>>>>    fflush(stdout);
>>>>>>    MPI_Comm_disconnect(&mInterComm);
>>>>>>    MPI_Finalize();
>>>>>>    return 0;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> - Windows 2: Client (on a command prompt on the second computer)
>>>>>> set PMI_ROOT_HOST=windows_1
>>>>>> set PMI_KVS=mpich2
>>>>>> set PMI_ROOT_LOCAL=0
>>>>>> set PMI_ROOT_PORT=9222
>>>>>> set PMI_SIZE=2
>>>>>> set PMI_RANK=1
>>>>>> Here is the C code for the client:
>>>>>> #include<stdio.h>
>>>>>> #include<mpi.h>
>>>>>> int main(int nArgc, char ** sArgv)
>>>>>> {
>>>>>>    int nMyRank;
>>>>>>    MPI_Comm mInterComm;
>>>>>>    int nRet;
>>>>>>    char sPortName[MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME];
>>>>>>    char sPortNumber[MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME];
>>>>>>    nRet = MPI_Init(&nArgc,&sArgv);
>>>>>>    printf("Init - nRet: %d\n", nRet);
>>>>>>    fflush(stdout);
>>>>>>    nRet = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&nMyRank);
>>>>>>    printf("Comm_rank - nRet: %d - MyRank: %d\n", nRet, nMyRank);
>>>>>>    fflush(stdout);
>>>>>>    printf("Enter the port number: ");
>>>>>>    fflush(stdout);
>>>>>>    gets(sPortNumber);
>>>>>>    sprintf(sPortName, "tag=0 description=windows_1 port=%s ifname= ", sPortNumber);
>>>>>>    printf("Connecting to: -%s-\n", sPortName);
>>>>>>    fflush(stdout);
>>>>>>    nRet = MPI_Comm_connect(sPortName, MPI_INFO_NULL, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&mInterComm);
>>>>>>    printf("Comm_connect - nRet: %d\n", nRet);
>>>>>>    fflush(stdout);
>>>>>>    MPI_Comm_disconnect(&mInterComm);
>>>>>>    MPI_Finalize();
>>>>>>    return 0;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> I don't use mpiexec. I directly start the programs on each computer from the command prompts. And the smpd services are stopped.
>>>>>> Note: I also checked without fixing the variables above, and with a mpiexec command (smpd(s) running). It doesn't work. Same problem as described below.
>>>>>> The issue I encountered is the following: The server initializes, wait in the MPI_Init function until the client starts. Once the client initialized, both programs get their respective rank 0 (server) and 1 (client). The server opens the port and displays the info. I enter the port number in the client program. And both waits. The connection is never established. The server waits in MPI_Comm_accept and the client waits in MPI_Comm_connect.
>>>>>> Note: I didn't set a domain name on my machines. I only set a unique workgroup name.
>>>>>> Any help would be really appreciated.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Thierry
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