[mpich-discuss] example run error

Sunil Thomas sgthomas27 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 30 00:41:05 CDT 2011


  After configuring and installing under cygwin on Windows 7 (32 bit), I
tested the example on
localhost and I am getting the following error:

*$ mpiexec -f machinefile -n 5 ./cpi
[mpiexec at SGT-LENOVO-U330] HYDU_sock_is_local
unable to get host address (Operation not permitted)
[mpiexec at SGT-LENOVO-U330] main
unable to check if locahost is local*

   My machinefile only has the one line - localhost:16 Any ideas how to
resolve this error?

    Also somewhat unrelated, I noted that after install, the libraries do
not have libmpi.a (which is available
when installing from the pre-compiled binaries on Windows). Instead we have
libmpich.a, libfmpich.a and
so on.. A 3rd party application needs to link to libmpi.a (but I built from
scratch), hence I ask.

Thanks again,
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