[mpich-discuss] Win Server 2008 64 bit problem--amended

Carson, John John.CarsonJr at shawgrp.com
Mon Apr 11 16:55:01 CDT 2011


I installed latest 64 bit Win version of MPICH2 (MPICH2-1.3.2p1) on Win 2008 R2 server (up to date with patches). MPICH2 configuration settings app gives me the error "localhost: MPICH2 not installed or unable to query the host." However, at the command line, running "smpd -status localhost", I get "smpd running on localhost".

I tried testing MPICH2 earlier by using Rmpi in an R session. It locked the server up.
Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks and best wishes,

John H. Carson Jr., PhD
Senior Statistician
Applied Sciences & Engineering 
Shaw Environmental & Infrastructure
16406 US Rte 224 East
Findlay, OH 45840
Phone 419-425-6156
Fax 419-425-6085
john.carson at shawgrp.com

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