[mpich-discuss] ROMIO: Need information on File realms

Pascal Deveze Pascal.Deveze at bull.net
Wed Sep 1 08:53:03 CDT 2010

Hi, Wei-keng,

Very interesting paper. And a nice bandwidth with Lustre on Jaguar !

I do not find any information on the meaning of  AAR, FSZ and USR.
I see that according to these values, ADIOI_Calc_file_realms_aar, 
ADIOI_Calc_file_realms_fsize, or ADIOI_Calc_file_realms_user_size
will be called. The comments in the source do not explain me the 



Wei-keng Liao a écrit :
> Hi, Pascal,
> Whether the PFR is better than Lustre ADIO driver or not requires performance evaluation.
> When we wrote that paper, we did not carry out such an evaluation. But PFR certainly can achieve
> the same file access mapping (i.e. the one-to-one mapping between I/O aggregators and
> Lustre OSTs) as Lustre ADIO driver. Furthermore, users can also use the hints to
> customize different mappings that may do good on other file systems as well.
> For MPI-IO optimizations on Lustre, we have another paper you might want to check it out.
> "Dynamically Adapting File Domain Partitioning Methods for Collective I/O Based on Underlying Parallel File System Locking Protocols", published in SC 2008.
> This paper concludes that the group-based cyclic file domain partitioning method performs the best on Lustre.
> Wei-keng
> On Aug 27, 2010, at 3:32 AM, Pascal Deveze wrote:
>> Wei-keng, I begin to read your paper with interest !
>> Rob, thanks a lot for your explanations !
>> Of course, I will experiment this code and will be happy giving news from me.
>> As far as I understand this new method, it could be better using PFR on Lustre instead of Lustre ADIO Driver.
>> This because PFR does the stripe alignment, but also brings a lot of optimizations. I am right ?
>> Regards,
>> Pascal
>> Rob Latham a écrit :
>>> On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 11:04:17AM +0200, Pascal Deveze wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I recently saw that there are new files in adio/common
>>>> (ad_aggregate_new.c, ad_io_coll.c, ...). The are implementing a "new
>>>> 2 phase method" using "file realms".
>>>> This is very interesting to me, but I do not have any information.
>>>> Are there some paper (architecture, white paper or High Level
>>>> Design) describing this new method ?
>>> The code is in ROMIO but only enabled if you set the "romio_cb_pfr"
>>> hint: (PFR == persistent file realms)
>>> Here are all the hints relevant to file realms.  There are quite a
>>> few:
>>> - romio_cb_pfr: set this to use file realms.  if not set, file domains
>>>   will continue to be calculated in the traditional manner.
>>> - romio_cb_fr_types: the "file realm types" can be  "AAR", "FSZ" or
>>>   "USR".  The paper Wei-keng mentioned explains this better. 
>>>   I am slightly embarrassed to admit that while I added hint parsing
>>>   for the rest of these hints, I never did add the hint parsing for
>>>   this one.  You will be stuck with AAR. 
>>> - romio_cb_fr_alignment: easier hint to explain.  Align file realms
>>>   to the given byte boundary.  Certain file systems perform much
>>>   better when writes are aligned to block boundaries
>>> - romio_cb_ds_threshold: normally, two-phase does data sieving 
>>>   if the write request contains any holes.  Set this hint (a
>>>   datatype's size-to-extent ratio), and datatypes less than this ratio will skip the data sieving optimization and instead service the request piecewise.  
>>> - romio_cb_alltoall: the communication phase of two-phase can involve
>>>   either point-to-point communication, or use MPI_Alltoall if this
>>>   hint is set to 'enable' or 'automatic'
>>> If you experiment with this code, I would love to hear your results.
>>> You have a knack for finding bugs :>
>>> ==rob
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