[mpich-discuss] problem in executing mpiexec.hydra command

Pavan Balaji balaji at mcs.anl.gov
Tue May 18 04:57:14 CDT 2010

Can you rerun the command using:

% mpiexec.hydra -f /home/it10a/hosteth0 -n 2 ./hello 2>&1 | tee 

You didn't forward any of the error messages to us; it's hard to tell 
the problem without those.

  -- Pavan

On 05/18/2010 03:41 AM, PRATIK AGRAWAL wrote:
> hello all,
> I have read the last post on wiki... and by that I have tried to run MPi 
> program by mpiexec.hydra.
> here I am running the command like....
> it10a at it10a:/opt/IT-10$ mpiexec.hydra -f /home/it10a/hosteth0 -n 2 
> ./hello | tee  mpiexec.hydar_error_log
> Please guide me the proper execution method by mpiexec.hydra...
> The error log is attached herewith...
> Regards...
> Pratik Agrawal
> Contact: +91-94287-63145
> Twitter: http://www/twitter.com/praxvoper
> http://www.pratikagrawal.x10.mx

Pavan Balaji

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