[mpich-discuss] Windows/Linux MPICH2

Matthew Chambers matthew.chambers at vanderbilt.edu
Thu Mar 18 11:30:48 CDT 2010


I'm trying to get a cluster working with three types of nodes: 64-bit 
CentOS 5.4, 64-bit Windows 7, and 32-bit Fedora 8. The 32-bit machines 
can't run a 64-bit OS so I'm stuck with 32-bit. I'm trying to do this 
with SMPD but having trouble. Am I correct in thinking that I have to 
use/compile the 32-bit version of MPICH2 on the 64-bit machines?

It appears that I can't use the Windows node as the typical head node 
because it needs to map a network drive with different user credentials 
in order to run. So I'm back to using the CentOS box as a head node. 
However, when I try to run a job which includes the Windows node, the 
job hangs.

"smpd -status <windows-hostname>" works as expected from the CentoOS box
"smpd -status <centos-hostname>" works as expected from the Windows box

But trying to run a job and it hangs after outputting "Process #1 
(<windows-hostname>) has started."

I've attached the SMPD debug logs for both the CentOS and Windows boxes. 
I've tried both 1.2.1p1 and 1.3a1 with the same result.

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