[mpich-discuss] g95 and mpich2 on new x86_64 MacOS 10.6 machine

Dave Goodell goodell at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Jun 1 16:26:19 CDT 2010

On May 29, 2010 , at 5:10 PM CDT, Robert Kerr wrote:

> Thanks everyone who helped me do this.  I now have working mpi versions
> of everything I need.  Here are the suggestions I got and what I eventually
> used.
>        From:   Dave Goodell <goodell at mcs.anl.gov>
> I passed FFLAGS="-arch x86_64" F90FLAGS="-arch x86_64" to configure.
> -m64 might work as well.
> THIS is what got me there:
> ./configure F77=gfortran-4.2 FFLAGS='-arch x86_64' F90=gfortran-4.2
> F90FLAGS='-arch x86_64' --prefix=/Users/kerrrobt/mpich2-install 2>&1 |
> tee c.txt
> The compiler I used was gotten from the following web site:
> http://r.research.att.com/tools/
> Go to: gfortran-4.2.3.dmg

This is the compiler that I used and needed to pass the "-arch x86_64" flags.  After digging a little bit further, the real problem seems to be that we were missing a "make clean" action for "src/binding/f90/libmpichf90.a".  So after trying one compiler and then switching to the AT&T/R gfortran package, you get complaints about architectural mismatches (i386 vs. x86_64), even if you "make clean" first.

Now that I've fixed the "make clean" behavior in a recent change [1], you shouldn't need to pass the "-arch x86_64" flags in the next release of MPICH2.


[1] https://trac.mcs.anl.gov/projects/mpich2/changeset/6764

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