[mpich-discuss] MPICH2 problem

Dave Goodell goodell at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Jul 19 15:39:17 CDT 2010

On Jul 19, 2010, at 11:51 AM CDT, Grzegorz Dwornicki wrote:

> If im writing double message on list pls let me know.
> Im writing a graduating paper on my university about MPICH and im having some trouble launching programs. For example I need to run perfomance tests on cluster, to determine it max. potencial. To do this Im using hpl linpack from http://www.netlib.org/benchmark/hpl/. Compilation goes without any errors but when I type f.e:
> mpirun -np 4 ./xhpl
> Im getting output like this:
> 0 - <NO ERROR MESSAGE> : Could not convert index 1140850688 into a pointer
> The index may be an incorrect argument.

You have somehow mixed MPICH2's mpi.h or mpif.h headers with the library from MPICH:

% perl -e 'printf("%#x\n",1140850688);'
% grep 0x44000000 mpi.h
#define MPI_COMM_WORLD ((MPI_Comm)0x44000000)

As Pavan suggested, uninstall MPICH and make sure that MPICH2 is fully installed.  Also, make sure that you recompile your application once the MPICH installation is removed.  Make sure to use the compiler wrappers provided by MPICH2 (mpicc, mpif90, etc) when building your application.


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