[mpich-discuss] static compiling with mpich2

Jason Palmer jason at sccn.ucsd.edu
Fri Jan 29 15:03:12 CST 2010

Hi all,


We recently switched from Mpich1 to Mpich2 as part of a general upgrade, and
I'm re-building a program that was previously compiled as a static binary
under Mpich1 on 64-bit RedHat Linux using pathscale fortran on an AMD
Opteron cluster.


We are now using gcc-4.4.3 (instead of pathscale), and I can compile and run
the code with dynamic libraries, but when I compile with -static, the
compile succeeds, but the binary gives a segmentation fault when executed,
with or without mpiexec.


I have tried compiling Mpich2 (using gcc 4.4.3) both with
-enable-sharedlibs=gcc and without, but both give the error in the static
version but no error in the non-static version.


Has anyone had success with static compiling of Mpich2 / gcc programs?






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