[mpich-discuss] committed lustre fixes to MPICH2

Rob Latham robl at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Feb 24 15:48:35 CST 2010

In December and January we received a lot of contributions from the
community improving the Lustre ADIO driver.  I have finally had time
to review and incorporate all the suggested fixes, and have committed
them to our SVN repository (revision 6324 contains all changes).   

I'd like to thank everyone for testing, fixing, and explaining and
testing some more.

I've put the new code through a compile test on 32 bit and 64 bit
systems, and it doesn't have warnings.  However, I do not have access
to a Lustre file system. 

I've copied everybody and anybody who has ever corresponded with me
about ROMIO and Lustre: presumably you still have access to Lustre
file systems.  I would appreciate it very much if you could try out
the SVN version of ROMIO, paying particular note of collective I/O
with multiple processors to lustre files striped across various
numbers of OSTs as well as noncontiguous I/O.

If you are unable to test the SVN version, I've generated a patch
relative to the just-released MPICH2-1.2.1p1:


Thanks again, and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any
questions or comments.


Rob Latham
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Lab, IL USA

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