[mpich-discuss] Fedora 12 compiling issues

rcx11 at yahoo.com rcx11 at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 20 09:57:15 CST 2010

I am attempting to build the MPI version of MCNPX v2.6.0. The instrustion for installing on a system using gfortran and gcc are here: https://mcnpx.lanl.gov/opendocs/installation/Intel-GCC_Linux_64.txt

I have adapted most of the installation instructions based on the Fedora 12 configuration, namely changing the configure command to 

$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mcnpx \
              --with-FC=f90 \
              --with-CC=gcc \
              --host=i686-pc-linux \
              --with-FFLAGS="-DUNIX=1 -DLINUX=1 -DG95=1" \
              --with-CFLAGS="-DUNIX=1 -DLINUX=1" \
              --with-MPILIB="-L/usr/lib/mpich2/lib -lmpich"

I'm still encountering problems with the -lmpich portion of the command. Does anyone know how this should be changed based on the Fedora 12 specific system configuration. I installed MPICH2 from the Fedora RPMs using yum.

Thank you for your help.



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