[mpich-discuss] Relative ordering of MPI_Iprobe()s and MPI_Barrier()s
Edric Ellis
Edric.Ellis at mathworks.co.uk
Tue Aug 17 10:59:20 CDT 2010
Hi mpich2-discuss,
We're in the process of moving to MPICH2-1.2.1p1 using the SMPD/nemesis variant (on Linux only - on Windows, we're waiting for a fix to ticket #895), and we've found a discrepancy in the behaviour compared to the sock variant. I'm not sure if this is a real bug, or if I've missed something in the MPI standard. Our test for our wrapper around MPI_Barrier() essentially proceeds as follows (see attached for a C test case which usually shows this problem when running with 10 processes). Each process does this:
1. Call MPI_Send() to each other process in turn with a tiny payload (assuming that this will be sent in the "eager" mode).
2. MPI_Barrier()
3. Check that MPI_Iprobe() indicates a message ready to receive from each other process
With the sock variant, this works as I expect - each process gets a return from MPI_Iprobe indicating that there is indeed a message waiting from each other process. With nemesis, this isn't always the case - sometimes multiple calls to MPI_Iprobe are required. (Could this be related to ticket #1062?).
I couldn't see in the MPI standard where the "expected" behaviour of the above might be specified, but it's possible that I've missed something.
I can see several options for where a problem might exist:
1. MPI doesn't actually specify that these MPI_Iprobe()s should definitely return "true"
2. The nemesis channel isn't preserving the ordering between MPI_Barrier() and pt2pt communications in the way I expect
As it happens, our usage of MPI_Iprobe() is basically restricted to our test code, so we could modify our tests not to rely on the old behaviour, but we'd like to understand better where the problem is.
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