[mpich-discuss] MPICH2 Hydra integration with SGE and PBS

Reuti reuti at staff.uni-marburg.de
Fri Aug 6 17:45:33 CDT 2010

Am 06.08.2010 um 21:44 schrieb Ivan Pulido:

> <snip>
> For PBS I found in the documentation the hint to use:
> mpiexec -rmk pbs ...
> but it looks like it will just get the list of nodes from PBS. For the use of the task manager it's still necessary to use an external `mpiexec` from OSC? Are there any plans to have it directly built into MPICH2?


thx for answering.

> I've been using this command (mpiexec -rmk pbs) inside torque scripts without any problems, so it's not necessary to use OSC's mpiexec to accomplish this, you do need to specify the allocated nodes and procesors per node inside the qsub script for it to work properly. Example:
> #!/bin/sh
> #PBS -N Si1-1
> #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4,walltime=1:00:00
> mpiexec -rmk pbs ./parallel_app

Agreed, in principle it starts up this way. But all the tasks are not bound to pbs_mom. Instead they are kids of the sshd. I.e. the command:

$ ps -e f

(f w/o -) shows the script of the job bound to pbs_mom, but the issued command to start the real process uses /usr/bin/ssh.

-- Reuti

> Hope this helps.
> -- Reuti
> PS: As MPICH2 is trying to find the full path of "ssh/rsh" in the source "src/pm/hydra/tools/bootstrap/ssh/ssh_launch.c" before the hardcoded "/usr/bin/ssh" is used, I wonder whether it would be a shortcut to have an option like "-rsh" to `mpiexec`, which will use "rsh" as bootstrap and also just a call to `rsh`. If it would be adjusted in the source for SGE integration by the user, it would be necessary to change several lines each time a new release appears. Another option would be to check whether some of the $SGE... environment variables are set, and do the correct thing automatically.
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> -- 
> Ivan Pulido
> Estudiante de Física
> Universidad Nacional de Colombia
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