[mpich-discuss] MPICH2 with MPI-1 code

Mark Williamson mjw at sdsc.edu
Mon Apr 19 16:23:17 CDT 2010

Dave Goodell wrote:
> On Apr 14, 2010, at 2:19 PM, Mark Williamson wrote:
> Correct.  My copy of the MPI-1.3 standard does not mention MPI_IN_PLACE.
>> The piece of AMBER code that I refer to in this discussion written 
>> within the a MPI-1 standard. As stated on the MPICH2 home page, 
>> "MPICH2 is a high-performance and widely portable implementation of 
>> the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard (*BOTH* MPI-1 and 
>> MPI-2)". If I use MPI_IN_PLACE, the code will not be MPI-1 standard, 
>> so how to I specific instruct MPICH2's mpif90 or mpirun that one is 
>> using a MPI-1 code, hence avoiding this error?
> This was not valid MPI code in the MPI-1 standard either.  Section 2.2, 
> page 7 of the MPI-1.3 standard [1] disallows argument aliasing.  You 
> have at least three options:

Just a quick follow up question to this. We also have some 
mpi_ALLgatherv calls in the code which violate the MPI-1 standard in an 
identical way as outlined in this thread. However mpich2-1.2.1p1 is not 
flagging this up as an error like as with the mpi_Gatherv call. A 
separate smaller test case with mpi_allgatherv confirms this as well.

Why is there this inconsistency? Are there any tools available to which 
I can pass the source code in order to check for complete MPI-1 compliance ?

Mark Williamson, Post Doc
Walker Molecular Dynamics Group
Room 395E
San Diego Supercomputer Center
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0505
Email:  mjw at sdsc.edu
Office: 858-246-0827

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