[mpich-discuss] MPICH2 and OpenPBS/Torque using MPICH2-Hydra

Simon Hammond simon.hammond at gmail.com
Thu Sep 24 03:25:22 CDT 2009

This would definitely be helpful.

I'm guessing these processes (under SSH) wouldn't be managed in the
same way that PBS would say an OpenMPI job? Getting rid of the -n
would be a good start. Can I ask how node placement and rank
allocation etc would work?


2009/9/23  <balaji at mcs.anl.gov>:
> PBS support is not added in Hydra yet. See: https://trac.mcs.anl.gov/projects/mpich2/ticket/443
> However, so far we were considering PBS support as a bootstrap server (which has a lot more functionality than just providing the number of nodes). But adding PBS as a resource management kernel (RMK) is possible too and should be simpler as well. Doing this will allow you to skip the "-n" option in PBS environments, but you'll internally still be using ssh to start the processes. If this is helpful for you, we can consider adding it for the next release.
>  -- Pavan
> ----- "Si Hammond" <simon.hammond at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> We're trying to get MPICH2 to work under PBS so that users don't need
>> to specify the number of processors etc. We have built the install
>> with the MPICH2-Hydra device and this seems to work (in that jobs will
>> run) but users still have to specify the number of MPI ranks using
>> -n.
>> I found the -rmk flag in some documentation using Google but "-rmk
>> pbs" doesn't seem to work either (the example uses "-rmk lsf")
>> How does a user like myself go about making a PBS-enabled MPICH2 build
>> to the job placement etc is all handled under the covers? Is this
>> possible? OpenMPI seems to have this covered but we'd like to install
>> MPICH2 as well since one of our codes only runs with MPICH2.
>> Thanks for your help.
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Si Hammond
>> Performance Modelling, Analysis and Optimisation Laboratory
>> High Performance Systems Group
>> Department of Computer Science
>> University of Warwick, CV4 7AL, UK
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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