[mpich-discuss] Problems with mpiexec.hydra in mpich2-1.2

Bryan Putnam bfp at purdue.edu
Mon Oct 19 11:20:52 CDT 2009

On Mon, 19 Oct 2009, Pavan Balaji wrote:

> Bryan,
> > I'll go ahead and create a ticket.
> Thanks.
> > Here's an example of a PBS_NODEFILE for which it fails.
> > Here for example I requested 2 nodes, and 8 processors on each node. So, 
> > each processor name occurs 8 times in the PBS_NODEFILE
> This seems very much like the ticket I had mentioned. Can you try out
> one the latest nightly snapshot of Hydra
> (http://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/projects/mpich2/downloads/tarballs/nightly/hydra)
> to see if this has been fixed?


I built a new mpiexec and pmi_proxy using the latest tarball. Now I'm 

coates-a001 1058% 
/home/ba01/u100/bfp/hydra-r5484/64/nemesis-intel-11.1.038/bin/mpiexec -rmk 
pbs ./hellof
Floating point exception

for both cases.

>  -- Pavan
> -- 
> Pavan Balaji
> http://www.mcs.anl.gov/~balaji
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