[mpich-discuss] MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE

Xunlei Wu xunlei at renci.org
Wed Oct 7 23:52:28 CDT 2009

Hi All,

I have below issues to share:

1. I have an AMD64 machine with WinXP32 and another Intel Core2Duo with
Somehow "Win X86_64 Binary" failed to install on both machines. I have
to choose "Win IA32 Binary" installer. Is this normal?

2. I called
MPI_Init_thread(&argc, &argv, MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE,
But multithread_support_level is always 0. Does the installer's
implementation support MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE? If not, do I have to
recompile the source?

3. I tried to use MSVS2008 to compile the source tree's mpich2.sln. But
it failed by reporting missing many source files under
libsrc/include/win/... which is not created by running

Please help. Thanks a lot.


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