[mpich-discuss] HP-XC 3000 cluster issues

Gauri Kulkarni gaurivk at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 13:02:10 CST 2009

In the installation that we have tried here, there definitely is a folder
named bin/ that contains mpirun and mpiexec which point to mpiexec.py. I
have modified PATH so that when I issue "which mpirun" I get the mpirun in
mpich2 installation. So if I use mpirun from command line instead of bsub,
it calls the mpirun from mpich2 directory and runs correctly on one node
(with 8 procs).


On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 8:34 PM, Dave Goodell <goodell at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

> On Mar 5, 2009, at 8:23 AM, Gauri Kulkarni wrote:
>  Of course, using the same command - only with mpirun -srun
>> ./helloworld.mpich2 - still gives me the error that no mpd is running on the
>> node on which the job was assigned.
>> Does this mean, I do not need to use mpirun when MPICH2 is configured with
>> SLURM? What about the softwares that make specific call to mpirun or
>> mpiexec?
> I believe that the mpirun command is for the HP MPI packaged with your
> cluster and will not work with MPICH2.  You'll have to figure out how to
> handle each usage of mpiexec or mpirun on a case-by-case basis.  One
> strategy for fixing this is to create a shell script named "mpirun" or
> "mpiexec" that simply invokes the appropriate bsub/srun commands and then
> figure out how to set the PATH correctly for those applications so that your
> custom mpirun is called instead of the system one.
> -Dave
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