[mpich-discuss] Please Help Me! - Unable to register username/password with mpiexec on windows

Jayesh Krishna jayesh at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Jul 20 09:24:50 CDT 2009

 Looks like the registered username/password is not valid. Can you try
creating a new user (locally on your m/c), "mpiuser" with a simple
password and try registering/validating that user ?

From: reza hashemi kahnamoei [mailto:reza.hashemik at gmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 12:21 AM
To: Jayesh Krishna
Subject: Re: Please Help Me! - Unable to register username/password with
mpiexec on windows

 I type "mpiexec -register" and username:reza nad password:1365
I type "mpiexec -validate" and mpi type : fail

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 11:09 PM, Jayesh Krishna <jayesh at mcs.anl.gov>

 You should find the source code for a sample MPI program, cpi, in the
examples directory of your MPICH2 installation (C version of cpi - icpi.c,
C++ version of cpi - cxxpi.cxx). The directory should also contain a
compiled version of cpi, cpi.exe (mpiexec -n 2 cpi.exe).
 Do you still get the error message when you run your MPI jobs? Are you
able to validate the username/password (mpiexec -validate) after
registering it (mpiexec -register)?


From: reza hashemi kahnamoei [mailto:reza.hashemik at gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 1:21 PM
To: Jayesh Krishna
Subject: Re: Please Help Me! - Unable to register username/password with
mpiexec on windows

 I installed the MPICH2 as a administrator and specified it in "Everyone".
Can you send me an mpi  c++ program? for example the factoriel program!

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 2:32 AM, Jayesh Krishna <jayesh at mcs.anl.gov>

 Did you install MPICH2 as the administrator ? If so, did you specify that
MPICH2 is to be used by all users (The default is "Just me", you need to
select "Everyone" when installing MPICH2) ? Try re-installing MPICH2
making sure that you install MPICH2 for all users (Select "Everyone" when
prompted for while installing MPICH2).

(PS: Since the problem does not appear to be a bug we can discuss your
issue in the mpich-discuss mailing list. If we feel there is a bug in the
code we can re-open the ticket 717.)




 EXCUSE ME! My English Is Very Low Level. EXCUSE ME!

I do this jobs that you said:

# Make sure you have the same user (reza) on both the machines and that
they have the same password (Assuming reza is not a domain user).
# Register your username/password using "-register" option of mpiexec
WITHOUT the "-user" option (mpiexec -register).
# Run your MPI jobs WITHOUT the "-user" option (mpiexec -n 2 cpi.exe)
# Use wmpiconfig if needed.

But it errored me!

Error is it " Credentials for reza rejected connecting to PC1
                 Aborting: Unable to connect to PC1 "

At first time I want to perform this statement "mpiexec -n 2 cpi.exe" it
But after I perform this statement "mpiexec -user 1 -n 2 cpi.exe"
                                    password:administrator password.
the cpi is runing!

After Performing above statement I do this job:

I type this statement : "mpiexec -n 2 cpi.exe"
mpi not errored and running the cpi.exe! 

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