[mpich-discuss] install mpich2 on a mac

Vieira da silva, Nuno n.vieira-da-silva08 at imperial.ac.uk
Tue Feb 10 13:58:50 CST 2009

Hello Anthony,

Thanks for your email and help. I used the CFLAGS=-32 on my  
configuration but still no improvements.
I am still capable of compiling and linking on c++ but not for  
fortran. I am sending the files resulting from configuration, make,  
make install and configuration itself.

Since I have 64 processors, shouldn't mpich install a version  
compatible with the architecture? I tried to install with CFLAGS=-64  
and I got errors during make.
Should this happen?
Many thanks

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On 10 Feb 2009, at 16:28, Anthony Chan wrote:

> Your Mac may have OpenMPI preinstalled, so when you invoke mpif90, be
> sure to use full pathname,
> "/Users/nvieira1/pkg/mpich2-1.0.8/install/bin/mpif90".
> Another possible problem is that the version of gcc and gfortran  
> selected by
> configure produce different binary formats, i.e. one is 32-bit and the
> other is 64-bit.  So adding CFLAGS=-m32 or CFLAGS=-m64 to configure  
> may help.
> If that does not work, send us the configure and make outputs as  
> stated in
> A.Chan
> ----- "Vieira da silva, Nuno" <n.vieira-da-silva08 at imperial.ac.uk>  
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to install mpich2 on a mac with Leopard 10.5.6.
>> I installed it using this configuration:
>> ./configure --prefix=/Users/nvieira1/pkg/mpich2-1.0.8/install \
>>         --enable-f90 \
>>         --enable-sharedlibs=osx-gcc\
>>         2>&1 | tee c.txt
>> for c++ applications I am able to compile and link. For fortran I am
>> having problems linking. For instance for this simple example:
>> program test
>>  use mpi
>>  implicit none
>>  integer*4 ierr
>>  call  mpi_init(ierr)
>>  print*, ierr
>>  call mpi_finalize(ierr)
>> end program
>> I can compile with no problems using mpif90 -c test.f90
>> but during the linking stage I am getting this error:
>> $ mpif90 -o test test.o
>> Undefined symbols:
>>   "_mpi_finalize_", referenced from:
>>       _MAIN__ in test.o
>>   "_mpi_init_", referenced from:
>>       _MAIN__ in test.o
>> ld: symbol(s) not found
>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>> It seems that I have missed something on the installation for the
>> fortran compiler. I have gfortran version 4.4.0
>> I would appreciate if someone could help me with this. many thanks in
>> advance
>> Best regards,
>> Nuno

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