[mpich-discuss] smpd on windows 7

Sherry Frese Sherry.Frese at Numerex-LLC.com
Mon Dec 28 09:54:42 CST 2009

I have been using MPICH2 on Windows XP (as well as under linux) for 
over 2 years.

I am now moving to Windows 7 on a new PC.  I have downloaded and 
installed the most recent MPICH2 for Windows and the install appears 
to have been OK.  However, the smpd refuses to install as a 
service.  smpd never shows up in the Task Manager's list of 
services.  I have run 'sc //hostname query smpd', and it says the 
'specified service does not exist as an installed service'.

I have redone the full install several times, under 2 different admin 
accounts (one of them named 'administator').  I have tried the 
explicit smpd -install as well (varying accounts, directory 
locations. etc.), and routinely receive the message:

OpenSCManager Failed:
Access is denied. (error 5)
Unable to remove  the previous installation, install failed.

If I try smpd -uninstall, I get the same OpenSCManager Failed... message.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated

Sherry Frese

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